1. 十年树木,百年树人,现在行动,永远不晚!It takes ten years to grow trees, but a hundred years to cultivate people. It's never too late to act now!
2. 照顾好身体,热爱你的热爱,善待重要的人,幸福自会悄然而至。Take care of your body, love what you love, and treat the important people well, and happiness will come quietly.
3. 悲伤是私人的雨,无需广而告之,除非你愿意在雨中起舞,成为自己的小丑。Sorrow is a private rain, there is no need to announce it widely, unless you are willing to dance in the rain and become your own clown.
4. 山重水复,人来人往,人生没有标准答案,带着遗憾前行,也是一种成长!With many twists and turns, people coming and going, there is no standard answer in life. Moving forward with regret is also a kind of growth!
5. 羡慕别人,不如喜欢自己,普普通通也有独特的魅力!Envy others, it is better to like yourself, ordinary also has a unique charm!
6. 幸运与不幸,皆是过眼云烟,愿你我岁岁平安,方为最大之幸福。Luck and misfortune are all fleeting clouds. May you and I be safe every year, which is the greatest happiness.
7. 人生三把钥匙,接受现实,改变自己,放开执念!The three keys to life, accept reality, change yourself, and let go of obsession!
8. 做自己的光,温暖自己,照亮前方,无惧寒冬和深夜!Be your own light, warm yourself, illuminate the front, and not be afraid of winter and late night!
9. 人生短暂,做自己喜欢的事,爱自己想爱的人,大大方方,坦坦荡荡!Life is short, do what you like, love those you want to love, be generous and magnanimous!
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